Monday, March 8, 2010


if wei really quit lion dance... is it kevin will follow???
if kevin also quit lion dance will i follow??
if u also qiut lion dance wat will happen to lion dance???

why i get so bad mark in my add math exam???
why i tis time exam will get so worst marks???
why i cant find back my interest in math n add math???
why i started no mood in my study???
why i open computer without any thign to do???
why i sometimes write blog until cry de???
why i will cry without any reason???
why i so stupid cause always gv ppl lie???
why i will so easy trust some1???
why i cant find back my happiness when i m in form2???
why i will get so many stress de???
why i cant find back tat feel tat hv missing a lont time ago??
why u wanted to trick me like dat??
why so many thing happen to me???

if all tis problem oso can be solve is it more gd??